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Monday, January 24, 2011


So a couple of days ago, the doc sent me to the hospital to have a endoscopy (scope through the mouth). They put an IV in, and I went in. The doctor had a very thick german accent and they gave me this medicine that made it feel like acid was burning it's way up the arm. then I went to sleep. I woke up less than ten minutes later, and the doctor told me in his german accent that I "Came out swinging" and hit them, so they couldn't complete the procedure. He said he could see there is a narrowing and he got the camera through, but was unable to stretch it back. I told him that I couldn't have known that I would be a mean drunk, and he just laughed and said that they would have me come back and this time it would have to be under general anesthesia.

In the meantime, I'm having a hard time keeping things down, and so I'm supposed to go in for IVs today, but I also have to work.

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