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Friday, January 21, 2011

The Human Pin Cushion

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While I was sitting in the ER last night, I joked and told my dad that if I were a super-hero, I'd be "the Human Pin Cushion." Seriously, I hate hospitals. The big irony in my life is that I have had something most of my life that required me to get regular blood draws. As a child, I had epilepsy, as an adult, horrible pregnancies. I was born, without veins. Ok, maybe not really, but they SUCK. On one of my ER visits when I was pregnant, I was poked 23 times. Last night, wasn't nearly as bad with 17 pokes.

I have a stricture. Basically, when you get gastric bypass surgery, they create a newer, smaller stomach and skip part of your bowl and reattach the new stomach higher up on the bowel. There is basically scar tissue blocking that connection.

I know, super right?

This is the most common of complications for new gastric bypass patients. It's what I expected when I went into the ER...but sucky.

I have to call my surgeon this morning to make an appointment for an endoscopy (scope through my mouth).

I'm really looking forward to that. (I hope you can sense the sarcasm there)

1 comment:

  1. Oh Lauralee, I am sorry... that does NOT sound fun! Get feeling better soon!
    Love you!
