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Monday, March 26, 2012


Its odd.  I havent lost a pound in Weeks.  That being said, I have gone from a size 14 to a 10!  To try and break this plateau I am trying to have a more whole, natural lifestyle.  Today I am attempting to make my own bean sprouts.  We will see how that goes! I bought a sprouting lid at a local health food store for $3. The beans are from the huge amounts of beans we have for food storage.  If this works, I will have sprouts for the rest of my life!!!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Back Blog

(I meant to post this on the weightloss blog, but instead posted it to the family blog. Yay for blogging from an android phone)

Ok ok ok. Yes, I remember you all are here and waiting for an update. In January, I got married. (we had a bagpiper and it was the most awesome wedding!) Here are a few (ok, a lot) pics. In February we went on our honeymoon to Ireland.
My gallbladder also gave up the good fight. The doctor said the low carb and fast weight loss caused the problems. He also said it is affecting my kidneys so I am back on carbs. I am down to a size 10-12. I pretty much have no clothes. Hahaha. Over all I am doing well. I have lost more weight than what I weigh.