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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Then and now.

Today was a really busy day. I woke up early and went running. While I was running, my dad brought Jonah over to the park to play. I ran two miles and then sat and watched him play on the playground there. Jonah and I walked home and we decided on the way home that it was such a nice day, that we should go hiking. When we got home, I asked my dad if he would go with us. He agreed and said he knew a great place to go.

We went to antelope island and did a little hike. It was really fun until the way back. It was breezy and nice and I was happy that there were no bugs (the biting gnats didn't come until the way back)

It was a really fun and active day though. I had such a fun time with my kids. It made me kind of sad. I realized how much I've missed out on being fat.

I was so tired before that I couldn't do anything. I fell asleep just sitting in a chair.

I am SO thankful to have the new life that I have. I sleep less, I have so much more energy then I ever imagined possible and I have a fun life where I can do the fun things that I've wanted to my whole chubby life.

Things have gotten so much easier. I can walk, run or even dance more than 4 or 5 steps without being out of breath. I can fit in a seat in an airplane or movie theaters, finding a bathroom stall big enough is no problem. I don't have anxiety about going to an amusement park and not having the seat belt fit. It sounds weird, but really, things are so much easier.


  1. so fun! My husband took the kids to Antelope Island once while we lived in Clearfield, but he accidentally read the sign out loud that said "Biting Gnats present" and Isaac wouldn't even get out of the car!
