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Sunday, May 8, 2011

90 pounds

So I'm feeling much better about life in general. I didn't get to work out today, so I'm feeling a little blah, but I'm still better. I've hit the 90 pound mark. Really, I feel pretty good about it, since it's only been 4 months.

I've decided to cut my caloric intake a little. I have been eating about 500-550. I'm going to cut 100 calories a day and see if that helps with the weight loss (My doctor reccomends 300-500 for this phase.)

I'm also going to increase my excercizing to 1 1/2 hours at LEAST 6 days a week. I had been doing this, but during the last couple of days, I've let myself get away with just a 20 minute run and no weight lifting.

Hopefully that will help. Yay for 90 lost. I'm hoping to hit 100 in the next 2 weeks.

1 comment:

  1. 90 pounds in FOUR months is amazing! Congratulations! I hope you're feeling great.
