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Saturday, August 18, 2012

Day 3: Better than day 2

Last night my dressings started to fall out of my abdominal binder.

We decided to open up the binder and fix it, just the two of us.   Bad idea.  I was in a lot of pain and almost passed out. 

I called the doctor and he told me to take 1 ibuprofen every 8 hours with the Lortab.  I told him I am not supposed to have ibuprofen.  His response was “you can
listen and be comfortable, or dont and be miserable.“

I listened and took one ibuprofen and I slept for 9 hours. 

I have been getting up every 4 hours to walk to the bathroom.  I was able to walk down the stairs outside acros the driveway and back up the stairs.

I am able to walk standing up more straight.

Feeling much better in reguards to pain today

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