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Monday, August 27, 2012

Never again

The weightloss foundation of america is doing a fundraiser.  This is a foundation that raises money for people whose insurance won't cover the surgery.   I know how life changing RNY gastric bypass can be.  I am happy.  I credit a large part of that to getting surgery.

The fundraiser is those plastic band bracelets.  It says “Never again“

I ordered mine today.  Never again will I put food before me. 

Here is the link if you want one too.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Ready to be done

I haven't posted in a couple of days.  Two days ago, I decided that I dislike how lortab makes me feel and decided to switch to tylenol for pain.  I also got my JP drains out that day.  Great timing, I know. 

Then, I learned a very important lesson. Lortab gives me nasty-bad headaches.  It makes me groggy and
makes my heart race. But it relieves my pain.  I am trying to alternate lortab and tylenol to make me more functional.

I have my days and nights kind of mixed up.  I seem to sleep in the day and stay awake all night. 

That being said, I am happy I had the surgery, I am just ready to be well....yesterday.

the photo is my abdomen, pooch free (I am still very swollen and wearing an abdominal binder)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Yay for progress

Last night I got out of my house for the first time since surgery.  Being in the house and so dependant had me really feeling depressed.  Chad volunteered to take me on a ride.  He didnt have to ask twice.  I was dressed and ready (in a mumu and flip flops) in about two minutes.

Chad helped me wash my hair.  He helped me get set up and I slept in my own bed for the first time. 

It was a good night.  My pain was pretty bad this morning so I got up to my recliner at about 6 am. 

My drains are starting to drain a lot less and I have an appointment for dr.  Malan to look at it and hopefully he will take out the drains.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Day 3: Better than day 2

Last night my dressings started to fall out of my abdominal binder.

We decided to open up the binder and fix it, just the two of us.   Bad idea.  I was in a lot of pain and almost passed out. 

I called the doctor and he told me to take 1 ibuprofen every 8 hours with the Lortab.  I told him I am not supposed to have ibuprofen.  His response was “you can
listen and be comfortable, or dont and be miserable.“

I listened and took one ibuprofen and I slept for 9 hours. 

I have been getting up every 4 hours to walk to the bathroom.  I was able to walk down the stairs outside acros the driveway and back up the stairs.

I am able to walk standing up more straight.

Feeling much better in reguards to pain today

Friday, August 17, 2012


My sweet cousin came over and helped change my abdominal dressing.  She took off my abdominal binder.  I am swollen and sore but I am satisfied with me.  Never in my life have I had a flat stomach.  My pooch is completely gone and I am satisfied with me.  If I never lose another pound, that is fine. 

My incision is very low and looks great.  I am very painful when I walk and have to walk hunched over because of the tenderness with the incision on my lower back.

The lortab and physical activity makes me nauseated.  I was finally able to keep soup down for lunch.  I haven't had more than 200 calories in the last 2 days.  (yesterday,  I wasn't allowed to eat most of the day)

I think that was a big contributor in my weakness.  My husband said they had to give me a pint of blood.  I still am pale (even for me.)  I am getting better as I get up.  I am feeling stronger.  Over all I am progressing.

Day One Complete

So day one following a full tuck (front and back) is complete.

Dr. Malan came in to color on me with purple marker.  As a stood there basically nude he said “I am going to do your back.  The insurance won't reimburse me, but you really need it“

Yet another miracle.  I am so thankful for Dr. Malan and his compassion.

Disclosure: I don't mean this to brag, but it was my honest thoughts.

I havent seen my stomach because I am in an abdominal binder, but I saw my bum...and I have the bum of a 18 year old thin girl.  No more sags or wrinkles.  I am thankful I chose the surgeon I did.

Now for an update.  It is not as painful as I anticipated, still worse than my c-sections or gallbladder, but considering he went into the muscle and repaired the muscle...I am pretty good. 

Because I have had RNY gastric bypass, I can only have tylenol based drugs and I can't have percocet because of a negative response I had to it during my gallbladder surgery.

The doctor has me on lortab every 4 hours, which keeps my pain at about a 2 (if we are using the stupid number pain scale)  At about hour 3 my pain level jumps and I have been in tears.

We borrowed a recliner from my parents and I slept in it.  The only comfortable position is in the recliner.  Moving is quite painful.

I am itchy from the morphine I got at the hospital.  I want to scratch my flesh off!   I have awaken about every 30 minutes.  I reposition and go back to sleep.   It was a hard night, but already happy I did it.

I am thankful for all my friends, family and neighbors.  I am truly blessed with the best!!!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Headed to Surgery

It's 530 a.m.  There is no reason anyone should be awake this early! I am getting an abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck today. So Chad and I are headed to Ogden Regional Hospital.

It is surreal. After losing 180 pounds, this feels like a final step or closure to "fat Lauralee."
I feel many emotions right now: fear, excitement, gratitude, and a little nausea (from anxiety)
I have been asked to be at the hospital at 6 am.  I have to be fasting.After midnight: food free.
Right now, that's fine because of my anxiety and nausea.  Normally, I would only eat a yogurt for breakfast anyways.

Surgery is scheduled to be 6 hours long, with 2 hours of recovery time, so with any luck,  I will be home tonight.

*Gulp*  Here goes nothing.  (Ready to walk in as we speak)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Good and the Bad

Initially, I was told that insurance was going to pay for my tummy tuck, front and back.

I went to my presurgical appointment today and found out only the front will be covered.

I am disappointed.

On the plus side, it will make recovery easier.  There will be less pain.  That is all good.  Also my back isnt the part that needs a ton of fixing. 

I am just 2 days away from surgery.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The story of bananas

I used to hate bananas.
Hate doesn't really accurately describe it.  I have actually dry heaved and vommitted attempting to eat a banana.
I loved foods that were super sweet.  My true love was chocolate, and not just waxy gross american chocolate but truffles and delicious rich chocolate.
  That was almost 2 years ago and 180 pounds ago.  I rarely eat chocolate.  I eat bananas at least 3 days a week, sometimes more.
I decided soon after surgery, that I was going to learn to like healthy foods.  Slowly food by food, I trained myself to like healthy foods.  I went 15 months with no carbs, fruit or sugar.  During that time, my idea of sweet changed.  A half a banana is a nice treat.  It is sweet enough.  Other things like candy and chocolate are too sweet or rich.  I find it interesting that my likes and dislikes have completely changed.