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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What does 146 pounds look like? Week 36


I don't know why I'm so self critical, maybe that's because I've been that way my whole life. I will admit I am much more self confident, but when I look at myself, I still think "fat." When I look at my picture, I don't think I am fat. I have 50 pounds to go until I hit "goal" but I'm smaller now than I ever imagined that I could be. The last post I posted, I almost didn't post the picture of Jonah and I because I think it makes my butt look big, and I'm self conscious of the ghetto booty. Seriously, there's nothing wrong with a girl with a little junk in the trunk. I'm not sure why I worry about it.

I took my picture this morning and was evaluating if I should post it or not because I don't do cap sleeves, I have issues with my arms. I was going through the pictures and I clicked back 1 too far...and came to my first picture the day before surgery. Wow, yeah, I guess 140 pounds is kind of a big deal. It made me realize, I'm really pretty little considering.


  1. You look fantastic! I can relate with still feeling fat and insecure with certain body parts, guess our brains just don't catch up fast enough!

  2. Hooray! You look so tiny!
    I've talked to Aaron about the same thing. That as we are losing weight and becoming smaller our minds are slowly adjusting with us so even though we've each lost more than 35 pounds we still think of ourselves as if we had that 35 pounds on us. I wonder at what point am I going to finally see or think of myself as normal or healthy or thin?

  3. I think that is a very common sentiment among WLS patients. It's hard for the mind to readjust as quickly as the body is shedding pounds.

    Just remember that each picture you post is a celebration of your HARD WORK and not a claim to a perfect body.

    P.S. You're gorgeous chica!


  5. Lauralee, you look so beautiful! I just figured up your weight loss percentage - that 146 pounds is 40.4% of your original weight! That is almost half the size you used to be!!! Go you!!!!

  6. wow i just found ur blog and youre doing amazing!! Some of us would kill to have junk in the trunk rather than flat booty syndrome. Its bad enough that im overweight but fat with no butt is a double slap in the face lol

  7. I gave you an award on my blog today!

  8. Wow- you look great.
    I am a new follower. Sarah sent me over.
